Schneeräumschild mit durchgehender Polyurethanleiste
Schneeräumschild 30° schwenkbar nach rechts und links
Schneeräumschild mit Klappschare von vorne
Schneeräumschild mit Polyurethanleiste
Schneeräumschild mit durchgehender Polyurethanleiste
Schneeräumschild 30° schwenkbar nach rechts und links
Schneeräumschild mit Klappschare von vorne
Schneeräumschild mit Polyurethanleiste

Snow plough

Removing snow with a forklift

  • Manually swivelling by 30°
  • With steel rail or polyurethane moulding
  • Secured with clamp screws

The snow plough is used for the efficient removal of snow from large areas and paths. It is mounted using fork pockets and secured with clamping screws. The plough is available in various widths and can be manually swivelled by 30° to the right or left to effectively deflect snow sideways. Wear strips made of steel or polyurethane offer flexibility and durability.


Schneeräumschild mit durchgehender Polyurethanleiste
Schneeräumschild von stabau
Schneeräumschild 30° schwenkbar nach rechts und links
Schneeräumschild mit Klappschare von hinten
Schneeräumschild mit Klappschare von vorne
Schneeräumschild mit Polyurethanleiste

Technical specification

Snow Ploughs

Snow plough with continuous steel or polyurethane shield trim manual swivel range of 30° to the left and to the right

S 6 - R 16016001400900max. 150*max 70*480150
S 6 - R 20020001700900max. 150*max. 70*480180

* Please indicate respective fork cross section when ordering.
Surcharge for shield locking mechanism in 0° Position

Snow plough with continuous steel or polyurethane shield trim manual swivel range of 30° to the left and to the right

S 6 - RKS 16016001400900max. 150*max. 70*540170
S 6 - RKS 20020001700900max. 150*max. 70*540210
S 6 - RKSV 28028002400900Fork width*Fork Thickness*560330

* Please indicate respective fork cross section when ordering.
Surcharge for shield locking mechanism in 0° Position

The best solution with good advice.

We know that handling long, heavy and bulky loads presents users with special challenges. Arrange a no-obligation consultation with our specialists to find the best possible solution for your application.