Zinkenverstellung 60 - 360°

Fork extensions
for even more flexible use

  • Minimum length of the fork:
    60% of the extension length
  • Coating possible
  • Special lengths possible

Fork extensions are available in two versions. One is the open-base extension or open version, the other version is the closed-base extension or closed version. This robust welding construction is used in demanding applications. Fork extensions are also available with a coating or in special designs.

Inquire now

Zinkenverstellung 60 - 360°
Teleskopgabel eingefahren
Teleskopgabel ausgefahren
Teleskopgabel im Einsatz mit HUBTEX Phoenix

Technical Specification

Open-Base Extensions

Open-Base Extensions

per pair
L = 1000 mm
Add. weight
per pair
per 100 mm
add. lenght
S 1-GVU 1515001200120 x 4014646312,6
S 1-GVU 2525001200125 x 4515551363,0
S 1-GVU 3030001200140 x 5017056413,4
S 1-GVU 4040001200150 x 5018456463,8
S 1-GVU 5050001200150 x 6519071625,2

The fork length should be at least 60 % of the length of the fork extension, the LC must be
within the length of the forks.

Closed-Base Extensions

Closed-Base Extensions

ModellLoad Capacity
of forklift
fork cross section
DSWeight per pair
at L=1000 mm
Add. weight per pair
per 100 mm add. length
S 1 -GVK 1515001200120 x 4014662484,0
S 1 - GVK 2525001200125 x 4515567584,8
S 1 - GVK 3030001200140 x 5017072625,2
S 1 - GVK 4040001200150 x 5018472705,8
S 1 - GVK 5050001200150 x 6519087917,6
S 1 - GVK 6060001200150 x 70190961038,6
S 1 - GVK 8080001200200 x 702559613711,4
S 1 - GVK 100100001200200 x 8026510616613,8
S 1 - GVK 120120001200250 x 8031510618015,0

The fork length must be at least 60 % of the length of the fork extension. If the fork length is shorter, a special construction can be offered subject to an examination of the load conditions.
Please indicate fork cross section when ordering.
Surcharge for polyurethane coating: on request
Fork extensions with anti-slip coating available on request.

The best solution with expert advice.

We know that handling long, heavy and bulky loads is particularly challenging for users. Arrange a consultation with our experts, completely free of obligation, to get the best possible solution for your application.